Café Kanal
Four Café Kanal in the neighbourhood, in April and May.
Café Kanal 1 - 4 April 2011 – 19.45 PUBLIC SPACES Water, squares, streets, parks... to imagine! Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles - rue Picardstraat 11 (Tour & Taxis) – 1000 Brussels Read more... >>>
Café Kanal 2 - 26 April 2011 – 19.45 YOUTH Stigmatization, creativity and hope. Micro Marché - quai à la Houille 9 Steenkoolkaai – 1000 Brussels Read more... >>>
Café Kanal 3 - 9 May 2011 – 19.45 ECONOMY For an urban dynamic of the future. Euclides - rue du Chimiste 34 Scheikundigestraat – 1070 Brussels Read more... >>>
Café Kanal 4 – 24 May 2011 – 19.45 BUILDINGS Engines of sustainable development. Maison des Cultures / Huis der Culturen - rue Mommaertsstraat 4 – 1080 Brussels Read more... >>>

The bustling neighbourhoods around the Brussels canal are in full swing. These old quarters are being renovated in several ways. Buildings and public spaces are being spruced up, new economic initiatives are being launched, and the population is rapidly rejuvenating. At the same time, the local population is set to grow vigorously over the coming years; there is a shortage of schools and sports facilities, and unemployment is very high. Those problems can be overcome. The old quarters are becoming young neighbourhoods again with plenty of potential. There are many opportunities, and there is a lot of dynamism. With a good deal of creativity, resourcefulness and a collective sense of responsibility, a lot can change. Where is it all going or where could it all go? Which are the interesting projects? How can everybody get the most benefit out of these developments? In what way can we contribute? How can we build the future together? That is why we are organizing this first series of discussion evenings: to exchange information, brainstorm, debate, and vent ideas together. We hope to distil interesting material from this which will be incorporated in a book and a Journal Kanal later in the year. Next winter we will organize a second series of Café Kanal in which other themes will be featured as well. We call it “Café” because we want to make it an informal and fun event with a drink. We call it “Kanal” because it centres essentially on the young neighbourhoods along the canal in the centre of Brussels, Molenbeek, Laken, Anderlecht, as well as Schaarbeek, St-Joost, St-Gillis and Vorst. We want to inspire our audience with the presentation of interesting projects and ideas, but we also expect creative input from the audience, which must think and dream along with us. They must join us in offering suggestions for the future, for everybody who lives, works, plays, and goes to school here. Each Café Kanal will be held in a different location, in places where things are moving. Each Café Kanal has a number of specific themes. Each Café Kanal will be unique.